Aikido - Karate - Boxing

Detailed program
Saturday, May 18th
8:15am - 6pm
​8:15am: Breakfast
9am: Warmup all together
9:30am-12:30pm: Competition (savate French boxing, karate kata) or workshop (aikido)
Lunch : Buffet
2pm: Rocky games : all together sports and playful team events ; get to know each other while having fun !
4pm: Martial arts and combat sports thematic workshop : initiation to Capoeira
7pm: PAF! : fight clubs aperitif at Panic Room (Paris 11th district)!
N.B.: this program is to be specified and is likely to change slightly
Detailed program
Sunday, May 19th
9am - 2pm
9am: Breakfast
9:30am: Warmup all together
10am-12:30: Competition (English boxing) or workshops (aikido, karate)
Lunch: picnic
N.B.: this program is to be specified and is likely to change slightly

There is no competition in aïkido, therefore we will propose :
- a workshop to discover aïkido (open to all participants who want to try the discipline);
- a technical workshop for aïkidokas, by Fabrice Croizé (6th dan and member of the National Technical College of the FFAAA). To participate to this workshop, it is compulsory to have a licence (FFAAA or FFAB)
- Individual and team (team of 3) kata competitions. 3 levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced, in mixed.
- Rules of the French Federation of Karate and associated disciplines (FFKDA). Should there be a number of martial artist who don’t practice karate, rules defined by the International Association of Gay and Lesbian Martial Artists (IAGLMA) will be followed.
- 1 karate workshop: Teaching of a superior kata by a Sensei of Niji-Kan Karate-do. All belts are welcome to join !
Savate French Boxing
Two all genders assault competitions will be organized:
- a "novice" team competition open to all those who started learning in the 2022-2023 season or who have up to 2 years of practice maximum.
- an individual "advanced" competition for holders of red and white gloves (more than 3 years of practice)
We will respect the weight categories as much as possible in order to ensure the fairness and safety of this competition. The definition of these categories will depend on the weights of the registered persons.
In all cases the rules of the assault as defined by the French federation will apply with particular attention paid to technique, power control (touches not blows) and trajectories (kicks must be armed). It's not about combat; the search for “knock out” (KO) is therefore prohibited and will be sanctioned.
- Regulatory attire is preferable (either full dress or a close-fitting t-shirt and pants without pockets) but shorts without pockets are tolerated
- Mandatory protections include gloves (adapted to your weight), mouth guard, shell, pubic protection, chest protector according to your needs. Savate/boxing shoes are also mandatory. Shin guards are strongly recommended but to be worn under the pants. No helmet.
- Round duration : 1.5 minutes
English Boxing (new sport contest)
An individual mixed-gendered competition will be organized and open to everybody with federal/international boxing license or medical certificate. Competitors will be divided in weight and experience categories ("novice", "advanced", "experimented").
We'll respect the weight categories as much as possible in order to ensure the fairness and safety of this competition. The definition of these categories will depend on the weights of the registered persons.
Combat rules defined by AIBA (International Boxing Association) will be applied with adaptations and established under the objectives of International Association of Gay and Lesbian Martial Artists (IAGLMA) : a sport without restrictions, without risks and based on the fair-play.
Technical and tactical qualities are necessary to gain, but never with the strength of the kicks. The speed of execution isn't modified and must be accompanied by a total control of the impact, on pain of sanctions.
- Regulatory attire is preferable (either full dress or a close-fitting tank top and short without pockets)
- Mandatory protections include gloves (adapted to your weight), mouth guard, shell, pubic protection, chest protector according to your needs. Boxing or savate shoes are also mandatory. Sh
- Combats duration : 3 round of 1,5 minute, with 1 minute break between each