Detailed program
Saturday, May 18th
9:00 am to 7:00 pm : Men & Women diving
3 events:
Springboard 1m
Springboard 3m
Platform 5 m
3 categories:
FINA Masters
Masters Promotion 1
Masters Promotion 2
You can select a different category for each event (you may change category prior to the competition at dive list registration, a few days prior to the competition).
Detailed program
Sunday, May 19th
Events could also take place on Sunday 19th of May depending on participant number.
The competition is open to Masters Divers (from 18 years old, not 25) with two special categories for the beginners.
All competitors will receive a link to DiveRecorder to enter their series in the weeks leading up to the competition, and must enter their entire series for each event no later than Tuesday 14th of may at midnight, not respecting this deadline will cancelled their participation.
Online changes to dive lists will be taken into account until Thursday May 17, 9pm (Paris time).
Modified FINA rules in compliance with the French Swimming Federation ones for Masters will be applied to the following age groups:
18-24, 25-34, 35-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and > 80
Numbers of dives :
Age group 1m / 3m Springboard 5m Platform
Men Women Men Women
18-24 6 5 6 5
25-34 6 5 6 5
35-49 6 5 6 5
50-59 6 5 5 5
60-69 6 5 5 5
70-79 5 5 4 4
>80 5 5 4 4
Each dive must be performed in a different direction according to its corresponding code in the FINA table.
Exception: In age groups 70 and older, dives with the same code may be repeated as long as the position is different.
More information:
Beginners (Promotion 1 or 2)
2-5 different dives with different codes chosen from the FINA table
in addition with Straight jumps and Line ups
Degree of Difficulty must not exceed 2.0.
Masters Promotion 1 (Men & Women)
Springboard 1 m et 3 m : 6 dives*
Plateform 5 m : 4 dives*
Masters Promotion 2 (Men & Women:)
Springboard 1 m et 3 m : 7 dives*
Plateform 5 m : 5 dives*
*details in document below
More information:
>> Promotion 1 and 2 Categories's Programm <<