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Time for caring and respect

We would like to emphasize that the TIP is open to everyone, and this applies whatever their: gender identity and gender expression, sexual or romantic orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, social origin, age, physical characteristics, health status, beliefs, whether they are real or perceived. 

"55% of LGBT+ people have experienced anti-LGBT+ acts in their lifetime, 17% in the past 12 months."

IFOP survey for the Fondation Jasmin Roy, in partnership with the Fondation Jean Jaurès and the DILCRAH, 2019

Stereotypes and prejudices are asked to stay in the locker room. Here at the TIP, we save our breath for inclusion.


Insulting, degrading or stigmatizing comments are not tolerated during the International Tournament of Paris, under penalty of exclusion from the competition without any right of claim for refund.

Act together for inclusion and against LGBTQIA+ phobias in sport

Promote the practice of women's sports

The TIP does everything possible to encourage the practice of women's sports for all women. Indeed, women’s  events, mixed or in desired  diversity, are offered in a majority of the TIP sports.

During the TIP, "non-mixed" events are organized in order to create dedicated safe spaces for them to meet and take the most of it.

A space and a bar will be dedicated to women and other "gender minorities" -among our LGBTQIA+ community- during the closing night of the TIP which will take place at the Dôme de Paris.


Recognize non-binary people

The "non-binary" choice can be entered when creating the athlete's profile and is taken into account throughout the event.

Taking action for transgender rights

At TIP, athletes are free to register in the sport category of their choice, and this also applies when it comes to determining their gender identity at registration.

No proof of gender identity is required to take part in the events or to enter the event.

Furthermore, the inclusion of transgender people in the LGBTQIA+ sports community is one of our priorities.

Fight against agism, classism, fatphobia, racism, serophobia, ableism...

Ageism, classism, grossophobia, racism, serophobia, validism, have no place in our circles, neither on the field nor during the demonstrations linked to the TIP. 


This tournament aims to adapt to the entire sports population. The Tournoi International de Paris wishes in particular to change our views on the stigma associated with age in sports practice. 

The TIP offers most of its sports by level and so-called "soft" sports activities in order to allow everyone to find their own balance, without any injunction to performance.

The TIP fights against any remarks or behaviors highlighting the physical and/or medical singularities of the athletes.

Communiquer par les signes

Welcoming people with disabilities

The TIP team and the organizing associations will do everything possible to accommodate people with disabilities during the sports events, particularly in terms of access to the venues and the practice of the chosen activity.

People with disabilities are asked to contact the organizing team of the sport(s) to which they would like to participate in order to obtain all the required information.

Regarding the access to the TIP events, please take note of the accessibility conditions directly by the venues : Paris City Hall, Paris Dome.

Ville de Paris
Where to stay in Paris?

Need a free accommodation solution or welcome athletes free of charge at your home, indicate this when you register.

Une équipe qui rassemble ses poings
Financial help?

Need financial assistance to participate, apply when you register for the tournament.

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